Here are the photos I would have included in Monday's post if blogger, and probably a number of unidentified factors decided to be uncooperative, maybe even my brain.
I am posting these in small or medium format as there are a number of them, some of which may be of little interest , not posted with the intended text.
All should be clickable for enlargement, but who knows. This is only my third post trying to use the Blogger newer composition tools.

The Morning stop for breakfast at the Kopper Kettle. Hardy, AR. Not sure who designed the website but it is awful. Other sites mention service and menu/cuisine/service within unsavory terminology. My evaluation was adequate. The sign is a paint-over. Ifyou enlarge it you see part of some other sign. All I can make out so far is Bob;s something or other--a challenge like trying to figure it out drives me stir-crazy.

Pyramid Arena in Memphis, named for its twin city in Egypt where many pyramids are located. It is the 6th largest pyramid in the world! We passed it soon after crossing the Mississippi Riv.
We stopped in Cookeville TN for dinner at Golden Corral, one of my husband/ favorite dining buffets. It was one of the better and newer units in the chain; food was hot; a grill for individual steak orders, an assortment of continental and ethnic selections and a dessert bar with chocolate emphasis.
From Cooksville we traveled toward western edge of Knoxville, stopping for rest and the night at this EconoLodge just off I-40.
Above three weather shots depict the threatening weather we faced early Sunday morning headed for the North Carolina state line and the impending, uncertain detour.
The above three photos are along the Smoky Mtn. US 70/24 detour route from Newport TN to Ashville NC we chose from recommended detours around the rock slide closing a portion of I40 between Ashville and Knoxville. The 3rd photo is my favorite of the three, despite the raindrops on the windshield. In the green field to the right I saw the largest flock of wild turkeys I've ever seen -- around 30 with a gobbler strutting his stuff, tail feathers in full fan. Wonderful, but nowhere to stop for photo!
NOTE: Above six photos were shots through our the SUV windshield. Significant rainfall is shown as white speckles on some photos.
We FINALLY arrived in Southern Pines, NC around 5 p.m. EDT to our reservation at EconoLodge, a very nice unit acquired from Holiday Inn Express.

Photos: All Creatures Veterinary Clinic, Golden Corral, EconoLodge(s) and Bojangles acquired from Internet.
All other photos are NitWit's work.