Sunday, March 29, 2009

Saturday success???

Just for the record Saturday, I did cook a complete meal of lean, trimmed chuck arm roast and mixed vegetables which fit into my Weight Watchers plan nicely with leftovers for today (Sunday) after church services.

I watered plants only to find ants (ugh) have made a home in one of the many Christmas Cacti (zygote cactus) in the large window box in the kitchen.

Since the number of root-bound plants were culled in February, I've determined all will have to go for the same reason, and I'll start over on a much smaller scale. Ant Hollow just made that decision for me!

For several years my little community has had ant invasions (not the big bad ones). The colonies seem endless and exterminators cannot keep up with the spread.

I cleaned a tad of clutter--all three of us clutter in our own way. Luckie's toys, both tattered and new, are scattered everywhere like landmines waiting for me to fall on my two knee prostheses. My husband's shoes and socks are in nearly every room. And Iam main contributor toa paper clutter, saving all my council, financial and personal interests papers. And I am a fanatic about paper shredding address on magazines, junk mail and even Christmas cards.

Then there was the usual time in the evening to TV, cruising the 'Net looking for interesting blogs, and ideas to improve mine. A blog workshop led me to try my hand at it, and it can be seen I need to do a lot more work, especially on my sidebar!

This afternoon is one of my two laundry days, so I will get some exercise points! Between sorting, folding, and returning articles to their proper areas, I will be watching Tiger Woods now in second place at a PGA tournament. Playing the game is not my forte, but I am always fascinated by persons who perform incredibly well at their chosen professions. Although football is my favorite sport to watch, I watch a little of everything-tennis, Olympics, basketball.....

My husband thinks I go overboard sometimes as I also like opera music, because I could never be able to master that music. I don't understand a word, but usually know the drama of the performance.

Monday is a 50-mile trip to a nearby town, for car tune-up, husband's doctor appointment and SHOPPING!

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