I received an e-mail yesterday from Carol of The Writers Porch that I had won a author-signed book of poetry, Reflections of a Mississippi Magnolia (her
As a rank amateur in high school I participated in essay and poetry contests, via my English classes and won a few awards or inclusion in anthologies of my peers. This talent, (if indeed it was talent) gave way to a fascination with pharmacy. My first job was bookkeeper for a local drugstore.
Maybe this book will get me back to reading books,, a habit I abandoned for a myriad of reasons, the need to be more active, addiction to information technology, reading electronically, and a concentration on technical and political reading.
Carol's blog is on my blog list because I was following her two beloved Pekes (short for Pekingese), and the impending birth of a litter . She and her husband live near Hattiesburg, MS on a farm named Swiftwater Farm.
Book reviews, life in rural Mississippi, lush gardening, her pets (dogs and cat) and photography are a few features of her blog. She may add "mid-wife" to her resum'e; she delivered Sadie's litter. :~D
Thanks! to Carol for the give-away and Patricia for providing the book and signature!
[photo from Carol's blog reviewing the book]
I think you will really enjoy the book being a southern girl yourself!It will probably bring back some memories too! Congratulation!!
Way to go winning such a cool prize. Do hope it gets you reading again. It is one of my greatest joys.
I will check out Carol's site. Used to have a Peke and loved the breed. They are complete clowns.
I am a sucker for any site with dogs, but I suppose I don't have to say that! <:~)
One reason I probably abandoned books is the accumulation of books which gathered dust and sometimes mildew or mold--all no-nos to my allergies. I should get a library card.
I rarely read much twice.One exception was BRAVE NEW WORLD. I was amazed how the then bizarre events actually evolved into actuality. Shortly I read it the first time, the very first "tranquilizer" hit the market. I remember some of the characters took a pill to have an emotionless, even temperament. Children were "cloned."
Nice post. I enjoyed reading it.
Congratulations, NW-1! I enjoyed your post about it very much.
I know it is time to get my glasses checked when I stop reading or slow down. It is time now to get new lenses again.
I actually do need to get new glasses, for both reading print and the computer. One eye is so out of whack with the other I close one and read with the other. Distance vision is a problem.
Lucky you! I'm glad you've been given the incentive to read again!
Thanks for your kind words on my "about me" page! I read the Purpose-Driven Life, too...several times! I LOVE that book...it really is one of my tools in life!
Congratulations! enJOY your day!
Dang it...something on your site caused my computer to close the window. I had written really good stuff, too. Let's see how good my memory is.
Congrats on the book again. I had a problem similar to what you described last summer, but mostly it was Quilly and Melli it affected, but maybe they are the ones who just came right out and told me.
I didn't know Abe Lincoln had a blog...it is like the Betsy Ross website I referred to the other day. :)
Came over to check on your German Shepherd. He looks so sweet and docile- why did i always think of them as being fearsome or intimidating?
Anyone wishing to read about Luckie, "the hound from the pound" on my phone recorder, will find blogs exclusively about her, particularly the first 6 blogs in March. She is the only shelter dog we have owned.
She looks much like a Ger. Shep. in Luckie: Dog Days Have Arrived (June 24 post), but the Wide Angle lens used distorts things. She weighs 39 lbs and has the tiniest legs and paws to go with a long body.
Her ancestry is unknown.She has a funny "voice" when she tries to "talk" which sounds like a hound. She hunts small game like a terrier or beagle.
She is the sweetest, loving dog, and unlike the one owner preference of Ger. Shep. she loves us equally and pouts when one of us leaves.
Thank you for visiting my blog. I see that we are both fond of Carol's pekinese.
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