Luckie is already in mode for dog days of summer, which usually is August. Reckon she knows something we don't know???
She has abandoned her small rugs, the bed, and her chair for cool spots on vinyl flooring in a small, dark , cooler hallway!
Already shedding hair, she's picked up the pace. Further, she is gnawing at what appears to be "hot spots" faster than I can spray the Hydrocortisone 1% Lotion Spray. If it doesn't improve, she will visit her most un-popular spa, the vet's office.
A few "hot spots" are devoid of hair, but not yet bleeding. She goes to doggie beauty shop Saturday, after which I'll dump more Hydrocortisone 1% Lotion Spray on the "hot spots." If spots enlarge or bleed, she'll visit her vet.
Luckie looks like a "huge" German Shepherd in this photo. However, she is a 39 pound dynamo mixed breed, Heinz 57 dog.
The current temperature is 93 degrees- feels like 99 degrees. There is a slight chance of isolated showers. Don't bet the farm on it! We have a soaker hose on our newer shrubs and trees.
Poor Luckie! I can sympathize with how she feels. I haven't started biting my "hot spots" yet, but feel like finding a cool, dark spot in a corner somewhere and just hiding out for a while.
Pat: definitely stay cool until you have your strength back. I take it you are not shedding your hair.. :~) and please don't chew on hot spots...not a pretty picture.
LUCKIE and my previous dogs all seem to have summer funk when Mother Nature's outdoor furnace heat is turned up. Come to think of I turn my activity thermostat down until a cooler day.
Poor thing! That must be horrid.
WE don't get it that hot but even our summer temps are too hot for george and me!
Come on, summer! I love the sunshine. Poor pets, though...
I feel Luckies pain. This heat is brutal. A few days ago it hit 107 on my porch. Yikes. Mighty and I are house bound during the heat of the day. Notice that Mighty doesn't mess around with his toilet duties in this heat. Hike, squat and hurry back inside.
Sure hope you can get Luckie's hot spots cooled off with out a spa trip.
Our Charlie used to have hot spots. The vet told me he was allergic to fleas and if ONE got on him it would cause all the misery. Before Charlie died he was on prednisone and that seemed to help. He also had arthritis bless his sweet heart. I cried a bucketful when we had to have him put down.
Luckie is lucky to have the cool floor to rest on. I'm about ready to get down on the floor where it is cool, too...but figure I'd never get up again. It is a hot one today! Whew! Stay cool and drink plenty of water.
Amber Star: Luckie gets Frontline Plus but she goes and lays outside on the ground when we're gone until we get back, unless it rains.
It's so hot now she is staying inside more. The HC spray seems to be working fairly well. Right now she is lying exactly where I took the above photo.
I just saw it was 105 deg. in Waco yesterday. My half brother called today and said it was 103 deg. in Wolfe City where he lives.
It is 90 deg here; has been 97 deg. and is thundering but sun is shining. Somebody probably got a heat shower, but not us.
My double knee prostheses are not conducive to the floor, but I do know how to do it.
I have city council tonight and it may be "hot" verbosity. I am going to have to cross the mayor who is violating our city nepotism ordinance, in my opinion and I am not going to be sued over it.
Poor Luckie! Our Rotweiler used to have problems with red eyes once the heat turns up too. When the sun is merciless and it is scorching hot outside, a cool spot in the corner is where he will snuggle up too.
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