At the flooring outlet, my usual cheerful, friendly co-owner was ill. I had to deal with her husband who tried to sell me everything, except what I wanted---Berber carpet. I patiently let him try to sell me everything he had in stock, a somewhat meager selection, and every kind of carpet pad he had. I finally said, "No, I want Berber for all three rooms."
Then I was told the carpet installer, who lives near me, and used previously, is no longer on their list of sub-contractors. However, the owner added I was free to buy the carpet and use any installer I wanted. I finally left with samples and total cost estimate--just no warranty since I would not use their sub-contractors.
Then I stopped at large home improvement chain store, Lowe's, to look at plants with the prerequisite someone else would plant them. No help there. Later I stopped at a nursery which informed me the practice of offering to plant and warranty trees had been discontinued by all but two nurseries.
GRRRRR...why do businesses offer services and merchandise, but when I am ready to use or buy them, they have been discontinued?
After two rebuffs, I headed to Wal-Mart for groceries and general merchandise. Luckie likes Pedigree products (guess she dreams she is a pedigree--how delusional can sh

Since her breath is a tad fowl, their Breath Busters were a staple in her treat cupboard. Now Wal-Mart has discontinued those in favor Good Bites for Oral Care, not nearly as big and more expensive, comparatively speaking!
Two Breath Busters 17.5 oz. (about 30 pieces = 15 servings) vs. 10 Breath Bites 5 oz (45 pieces = 4.5 servings): seems like another marketing strategy: higher price for less return.
Pedigree's web site shows Breath Busters still listed as a product in their line.
The grocery section still had Pacific Rose Apples, an apple only available in my area for a short season, but no tangerines--I guess season is over for tangerines. so will try a tangelo. All fit in my WW program. [This morning was weekly WW weigh-in on line and surprisingly one additional pound lost for a total of 19 pounds.]
In Wal-Mart I always run into friends; today was no different, so at least there were a couple of positive moments today!
P.S. I have to return carpet samples next week when Luckie is due a Phenobarbital blood level check. Hope my friendly co-owner lady is back-to-work!
1 comment:
What a frustrating day! I often see people I haven't seen for ages in the supermarket.
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