Saturday, May 09, 2009

Saturday PhotoHunt - In Memory

The now deceased friend who gave me this bentwood rocker,
a Wal-Mart special, because I regretted not purchasing
an original designed bentwood rocker in Morocco.

My Mother who rocked three children in a green,
covered wire weaved rocker, often two at a time,
and read them Bible stories in the process.

Two unmarried, great aunts (and sisters) who moved to Texas
with my, then infant , Mother, in the early 1900s,
had rocking chairs on the front and back porches,
and inside of their modest home.

My husband's Mother who mothered four children,
under adverse conditions
(and buried one child prematurely).

The Empty Chair-
in familiar rooms,
at family holiday gatherings,
at quilting circles,
of estranged friends or family members,
at coffee klatches,
at bedside of a sick or dying friends,
at wedding receptions,
at group support meetings,
in churches and classrooms,
at fellowship gatherings,
or Life Group meetings.
Is it your chair?

The Painting the wall -
A French watercolor by an unknown Parisian street artist
given me by a French woman who worked with me in
the Navy Exchange Accounting office, Kenitra, Morocco.


Hootin Anni said...

Excellent post for this week.

My "In Memory" is posted. Have a great weekend.

Ladykli said...

I love your post, and the rocker. Just great memories it must hold! I had the same problem with the photohunt site.

Arkansas Patti said...

Is there anything more comforting than a rocker? Great post.

ancient one said...

I'm creeping up on seventy and I enjoy the rocking chairs.... and yes they do hold wonderful memories.... Great Post!!

Marites said...

Really love your post and the rocker, it also reminded me of my deceased grandparents.

YTSL said...

A wonderful post -- looks like you took the opportunity this week's Photo Hunt offered to fondly remember a lot of lovely people.

Carmen said...

Cool photo, great post. I also have fond memories of rocking chairs from my childhood. My kids won't rock with me anymore, though they are only 1 and 3, so I thought about getting rid of ours... but I just can't!

Lorna said...

A lovely nostalgic tribute; I had one of those chairs once, but my children didn't like to be rocked in it---they didn't like to be rocked at all, until they grew up.

Mirage said...

I love your does exudes memories with it! Happy weekend!

Anonymous said...

What a neat post:) & story! Thank you for sharing & visiting my PH today.

Cindy O

Carver said...

This was a beautiful post for the theme. I love the memories, photograph and poem so much.

Sniffles and Smiles said...

This post makes me both sniffle and smile!!!! Ah, the memories of my mom...and your words are so beautiful...and poetic! Thank you! This post is a perfect Mother's Day gift! ~Janine XO

Annie said...

Love your photo and the poignant memories. Great post for this theme.

june said...

Very moving!

jams o donnell said...

What a wonderful tribute. A superb photo. Happy weekend

Tina said...

The best post of this weeks Theme.

Mine´s up here:

Willa said...

what an excellent tribute in their memory. :)

Sandy said...

Great story.
Mine's up,too

Team Tabby said...

We enjoyed reading your memory stories. Love that beautiful rocker. Thanks for dropping by to visit us.

Mindy, Moe, Bono and mombean

Emily/Randomability said...

I love your take on the photohunt theme this week.

Thanks for stopping by!

LifeRamblings said...

that's a lovely tribute with beautiful words.

Lew said...

Beautifully said and haunting photo of the empty chair! My Mom had a rocking chair in which she rocked me (and my brother and sister). My youngest daughter now rocks her son in the that chair.

Dianne said...

This is so touching! Rocking chairs do have a lot of memories for some people. My brother has the one our grandmom use to rock him in.
Thanks for stopping by my blog too.

Ingrid said...

What a beautiful rocking chair ! I have two in m room, I love them.

Tiglizzyclone said...

Really nice memories! I love that rocker! Thanks for visiting my blog!

SnoopyTheGoon said...

Thanks for sharing with us this corner of your house and your life.

Thanks also for visiting and have a great week!

CherryPie said...

Now that is just lovely :-)

Heart of Rachel said...

That's a lovely rocking chair. It's nice how it brings so many memories for you. Thank you for sharing those memorable moments.