Plastic (Recycling)
This photo is not a very original or artistic idea, but recycling PLASTIC is one way to contribute to multiple disciplines and efforts to save our planet and reduce the "greenhouse" effect.
Each type of PLASTIC is marked by a number inside the triangular recycling symbol. The number indicates the type of resin used in the manufacture of PLASTIC.
Recycling PLASTIC in US requires separating recyclables by number and by color. This process is somewhat labor intensive.
After sorting the PLASTIC(s) are transported to a recycling center, or some communities provide curbside pickup.
Unfortunately, the pictured recyclables are headed for the landfill, because the owner would have to transport them over 30 miles, burning more gasoline which also contributes to the greenhouse effect.
Sometimes decisions to recycle are burdened by opposing decisions. Which is the wisest choice?
For more information on recycling PLASTIC see this link on EARTH 911: PLASTIC
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You're right about making choices. My community just changed recycling companies. Now, they no longer take batteries. So we save them up and several times a year my husband takes them (and other things) to the regional hazardous materials recycling center. It's always about choices and balances.
Thanks for visiting me and have a great weekend!
We have been recycling for years but I no longer have any faith in the eventual destination of this valuable material. You never hear about how much oil is required to make it.
Excellent:) I believe in recycling too. In fact I did my PH post on it as well.
Please stop by and visit!
Cindy O
I just wish everyone would recycle plastics!!!
My Plastic Photo is found HERE
I have to take my garbage to the recycle center so one trip does all. Can see the problem. Just save up till it is worth while if you have a place to store them.
Just read yesterdays post about the Tacoma. I have had one for 5 years and am just getting ready to roll 100,000 miles--not the first problem.It has yet to meet its first mechanic except for oil changes. Great vehicle.
That's a really good one for this week. :)
i've seen some amazing and eco friendly products made with recycled plastic. hopefully your post will remind those who can recycle to make that trip.
We are fortunate in that we have curbside recycling. I just wish we could include more different types of plastics. But, your right, sometimes the concept of recycling comes down to economics.
The town were we live does not recycle plastics but the other day I visited a cousin and she showed me a bag filled with all kinds of plastic. They made a start with recycling plastic but not separating them further yet.
Enjoy your weekend!
To viewers of my PHOTOHUNT blog, I failed to add my small town recyles cardboard, newsprint, magazines and aluminum cans.
As a city official I have petitioned for inclusion of plastic, but am told sorting is labor intensive, and storage requirements intolerable. We only have one employee who serves as recycling manager and animal control.
Plastic recycling is the most often request of the citizenry. It has the smallest return in resale and is the most expensive in handling, sorting and storage until sale.
It is a dilemma.
We don't have recyling where we live. I do take the newspaper and stuff up to the school. They collect it to raise money for the school. They also take used ink cartrides. I also try to use cloth bags; when I remember to take them.
Nice photo and thoughtful post, NitWit.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Very interesting and thanks for sharing. I like the photo.
that serves as a great reminder to save our environment for our future generations.
Wouldn't it be great if life could be more simple -- and recycling too? I mean, it makes sense to think that one should not just readily throw away things one doesn't want any more. And yet, it can be more expensive to recycle it than it might be worth. I suppose the best answer is to try to not buy/get more than you need. This way you are less inclined to throw away -- or, at least, have fewer things to dump.
recycling needs discipline and I really admire people who have the will to sustain the activity. I wish we can do that more in my country.
You can recycle Styrofoam now? My local recycling center is very fussy. They will only let us drop off milk jugs.
thoughtful post and a good reaction to plastic. We live right on the border between two cities with two different recycling systems, so between the two, we manage a bit more.
In Chesapeake they will only accept plastic milk cartons and the soft drink bottles....not the plastic lids, mind you, just the bottles. I have seen them literally spend time popping off the lids and leaving them on the street. Now in VaBeach they take a much wider variety of plastic products.
Thanks for stopping by.
Nice and informative post. Yes, sometimes the decisions are difficult to make.
My plastics are here: http://blondesherry.blogspot.com/2009/05/photohunt-plastic.html
Sherry at EX Marks the Spot
We have curb-side recycling here in my edge of the city countryside in Michigan. We must rinse out all plastics and can, ewww who wouldnt anyways? But the same truck comes by, automatic arms lift the recycling box up and dump with everything mixed together...glass, newspapers, plastic and aluminum cans...It makes no sense to me! I live in a condo, where we have no choices about garbage and recycling pickup, we are just expected to pay with our home owners monthly dues. It's ludicrous! Thanks for visiting my hunt, I appreciated your visit
Great post, perfect for this week's PH theme!
Thanks for stopping by my PH post!
Good 'plastic' post.
After years of recycling, I currently live in a city that doesn't have a recycling program. Just another reason to leave Michigan!
Thanks for your visit and comment on my Photo Hunters post.
We all must make our own choices, but we have to make them wisely. Great post for this week's plastic theme!
Thanks for stopping by. Have a great weekend.
Nice to create awareness on plastic recycling. Well done!
Great information about recycling plastic. It is not always the easiest to do.
We recycle too.
I played too :)
Like you, I am also into recycling things! Nice take for this week's theme...
Everywhere we look around, there's plastic everywhere.
We should all play our part in recycling :)
Great take on the theme. I wish they had stayed with glass for many food items. Food kept better and the glass was reusable and/or recyclable. Our county does curb-side pickup and recently increased the types of plastic that they will recycle. And they sort it, not us.
Great choice for "plastic"
It is a tricky one.
I've been reading your posts but kept getting an 'Operation Aborted' message when i tried to comment. It seems all right now so I'll be back later to comment some more - and thank you for the award!
I agree. Everyone should do their part in recycling to help our planet.
It is a dilemma, isn't it? Luckily we have our recycling picked up every week.
Happy weekend.
PERFECT! I love what you came up with. So clever. Great photo.
I played too! I'm just running behind in visiting others. Come on over.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Great take on the theme! :)
i had no idea there was that many types of plastic. i hope more people get into recycling
I am soooo spoiled in regard to my recycleable (sp?) things. The nearby (5 miles) Little Rock Air Force Base has a wonderful recycling center, and will take almost anything except styrofoam. That's ALL sorts of plastic, metal, and paper. I do sort by type, and separate newspapers and mixed papers from office paper and cardboard but that's about it. Since beginning to use this service, my landfill trash has been reduced by at least 75%. It's amazing what CAN be recycled.
Nice take on the theme.
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