- The Blogger manifests exemplary attitude, respecting the nuances that pervade amongst different cultures and beliefs
- Their Blog contents inspire; strives to encourage, and offers solutions
- There is a clear purpose at the Blog; one that fosters a better understanding on Social, Political, Economic, the Arts, Cultures, Sciences and Beliefs
- The Blog is refreshing and creativeThe Blogger promotes friendship and positive thinking.
The Blogger who receives this award will need to perform the following:
- Create a post with a mention and link to the person who presented the Noblesse Oblige Award
- The Award Conditions must be displayed at the PostWrite a short article about what the Blog has thus far achieved – preferably citing one or more older posts as support
- The Blogger must present the Noblesse Oblige Award in concurrence with the Award conditions- Blogger must display the Award at any location at their Blog.
What have I achieved?
As outlined in my "mission statement", otherwise entitled "About Me", I have a restless mind and restless soul, with unlimited interests and curiosity. I perceive blogging as means to explore and study the world from my lift chair.
The goals I have are multi-faceted and on-going. The nice thing about blogging is the ability to change the nature of a blog or create a new blog.
Being a somewhat introverted person, [rare for a small town politician] blogging provides an outlet for expression without reprisal. I expect to retire from the public arena soon for health reasons and tired of politics. Blogging seems a logical avocation.
Using our latest canine acquisition, I introduced her and myself to the blogisphere. I began blogging with Luckie in March, 2009. Luckie's nickname: Meatloaf , How Luckie acquired her name , and in April, Foodaholics Anonymous - Membership of Two .
Sharing personal mistakes in judgment elicited a series of posts on a most unfortunate, exasperating computer purchase entitled Computer from Hell. Saga of The Computer from Hell (CFH), Purchase, Pr...
Blogging is an inspirational outlet for my spiritual vision unencumbered by dogma. Have You Ever Noticed Nature's Lessons?
Sharing my weight loss dilemma with similarly struggling bloggers is another purpose and the encouragement elicited, is welcomed.
But above all else I have "met" the most interesting array of persons and personalities from 'sea to shining sea' and across the seas. Being a cancer survivor, I am amazed many bloggers share that experiences with me. I have met some very accomplished and published writers, who willingly endure my beginning attempts to regale a tale. In PHOTOHUNT I found a new incentive for my photography passion, including 100s of participants.
I received this award from AmberStar at Serenity Days . She and I share a piece of Texas. Many of her posts remind me of my former home and family. Others are downright funny and some are deserving of several "smiley" awards. Visit her site, please.
Sharing an award makes it doubly rewarding because many bloggers have made me smile or empathize in my brief blogging career so I'll pass the award along.
Janine - A free-lance writer who posts very compelling material, which may evoke "sniffles" or "smiles." Her bio and her lack of culinary and housekeeping skills parallels my own. Our husbands should commiserate!
Arkansas Patti - a fellow Arkansan who regales tales of her past with empathy for others, as if the events happened only yesterday, and writes with wit and humor.
Pat - another Arkansan with a love of writing, blogging and photography, and, I might add cats (Luckie likes cats that don't run from her); she has a witty writing style.
Liz - a Wales blogger and her dog whose antics sometimes remind me of Luckie. She is also a writer; check her Wednesday posts.
Lorna - a humourous observation of herself and life around her, both her good and bad days, inexplicably tickles my funny bone
Oh, I am so very honored! You are so very kind, and I am just overwhelmed...what a lovely award...and what highly desirable traits it applauds...I am flabbergasted...humbled...and truly grateful that you chose to give such a commendation to me. How can I ever say thank you enough?...you are so very wonderful and kind...and I think YOU truly deserve the award!!!!! I love your blog, and am always inspired when I visit with you!! Thank you for your friendship...it means so very much to me! I truly treasure it! ~Janine XO
What a lovely award and how deserving you and your blog are of it! I am honored and humbled to be among your choices for pass-it-along recipients. I'll have to think a while about any "achievements" made by my blog; I may be hard-pressed to find even one. :) Again, thank you.
Wishing you a wonderful week! It's not raining here, today!
Hey, thanks for the visit. I am actually over in Georgia... just write about everyone else's weather when I have none.
Juat checking to see if this post is some how blocked by leaving a comment to myself. NitWit1
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